This section covers the creation and editing of bids.
This section of the website is only visible to logged in members.
The bid section has been built so that a third party ‘contributor’ can make edits directly to this section. Once constructed, a SEAMS admin member will need to approve the new entry and be published to the list of active bids.
If bid is created by an admin user, no further validation will be necessary and clicking Publish
will make the bid immediately available on the site.
Creating a bid
Log into the admin dashboard
Select the ‘Bids’ link from the main left toolbar
This can be identified by a large ‘B’ icon towards the top of the list
Add New
from the submenu or click the link at the top of the page -
Give the bid a title in the first field
Enter the bid description in the text editor field
Standard word processor styles are available here (ie: bold, italic, etc)
Try to keep format of bid listings consistent -
Enter the contact link in the ‘bid links’ field
Don’t forget the http://
Select the ‘Bid Start’ and ‘Bid End’ dates from their respective field
Once the field is clicked, a date picker will appear
Disregard the ‘Memberships’ and ‘Ad Settings’ panels
Upload a featured image (if applicable)
This panel can be found in the right hand column of panels
- Click
Set featured image
- This will trigger a modal window where you can drag an image from your computer to the window
- Once image appears in the window, click the
Set featured image
button in the - bottom right corner of the window
- Once image appears in the window, click the
- Click